We believe the answer to this question is yes! Niche.com ranked Fort Wayne, Indiana, the most affordable city to live in! We see this as an opportunity. Being a more affordable city means homes do not cost as much, and land is cheaper than other states around the area. We have noticed that over the years, Fort Wayne has started growing more as a city by building neighborhoods creating more homes, condos, apartments, and businesses building offices!
In 2022 Allen County got over $580 million in new private investments, which will help our city’s economic development.
-$84 million in new annual payroll
-1,300+ new jobs
- more than 20 business expansions and relocations
You can learn more at the City of Fort Wayne’s website or Greater Fort Wayne Inc!

More companies are starting, people are working, and new jobs must be filled. The people working will need some help around the house maintaining or creating something for their personal life. Since more people are getting work-from-home jobs, it is a benefit for the service industry as well! People staying home for work means the house is used more and waring faster than when no one was home all day. Homeowners or renters will need to upkeep or repair their place more frequently with how much we stay home now. We believe it will be a significant market now and in the future.
The service industry is not only a great business to start, but it also allows you to help people within our Fort Wayne community! These job roles include Lawn Mowing, Landscaping, Snow Removal, Interior design, Dog Walking, Home repairs, etc. The list can go on forever. Some service businesses are simple to start and don’t require a lot of cash which could be an opportunity for you if you are interested in starting your own business!
With more homes built, schools expanding, and people coming to the city because of affordability, we know there is a bright future in our town, especially in the service industry.
email us fwbusinessjournal@gmail.com
Any business-related questions or have a story you would like us to share? Let us know how we can help thank you!
City of Fort Wayne